Lisni Hastuti Harahap
Educational Psychology Study Program School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
Based on the results of my research on character education for elementary school-age children during the co-19 pandemic, some conclusions are drawn. Schools can only do distance learning therefore school only has a program, teacher only as a guide, and the teacher is very dependent on parents to run the program. Based on distance learning conducted during a pandemic, teachers have lost their role in character education, this is because character education cannot be done online. Thus, although learning during a pandemic focuses on character development, the results of the study conclude that during a pandemic, schools cannot function as providers of character education. In character education for elementary school-age children, schools as one of the providers of character education cannot carry out its functions optimally. So, it can be predicted that the goals of character education held through schools will be difficult to achieve. This can be used as consideration for education practitioners, that it is necessary to conduct a deeper study of appropriate character education during the co-19 pandemic. The government must also pay special attention to the application of character education, which is also the aim of education. The results of my study also show that the family is fully a provider of character education during the co-19. Thus the family is also a determinant of the success of the goal of character education for that the government must also provide education to parents as educators. In addition to saving human lives during this pandemic by providing special protection for children, saving human survival through character education must also be a concern for all humans. History has also noted that character education provides a serious place in building human life. For this reason, during this pandemic, aside from the world paying special attention to the protection of human lives, we also cannot ignore human education.