Teacher 2025 – International Teaching Conference, 18-19 November, Singapore

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Teacher 2025 – International Teaching Conference, 18-19 November, Singapore

Conference Name: Teacher 2025 – International Teaching Conference, 18-19 November, Singapore

Conference Dates: 18-19 November 2025

Online Conference Application Form: Click Here

Conference Venue: The National University of Singapore Society (NUSS) The Graduate Club, Suntec City Guild House, 3 Temasek Boulevard (Tower 5), #02- 401/402 Suntec City Mall, Singapore

Deadline for Abstract/Paper Submissions: 15 February 2025

Contact E-Mail ID: convener@eurasiaresearch.info

Organising Scholarly Association: Teaching & Education Research Association (TERA)

TERA List of Members: Click Here

TERA President: Lynne M. Celli, PhD, Higher Education Executive (retired), Adjunct Professor, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA, USA

Conference Language: English

Conference Themes: Teaching, Education & Learning

TERA Previous Conferences: Click Here

(Vernacular Session, e.g., European Languages, Arabic, Bahasa, Thai, Chinese, Turkish, Japanese, Russian, will be organised for a minimum of 5 or more participants of a particular language)

(Only English language, full-length, original papers will be considered for publication in conference journals)



Diena Noviarini

Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta, Indonesia

Topic: The Problem Emerging in Academic Professional Relationship

Diena Noviarini is currently working as lecturer, researcher from Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of Indonesia and reviewer from PBR Journal International. She received Grants from Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Educations of Indonesia in 2017-2018. Also she arranged mandatory and private Social Contribution Activity to the Society of Indonesia in 2010-2023

Profile web links:

Sinta ID: https://sinta.kemdikbud.go.id/authors/profile/6587386



Dr. Alvin B. Punongbayan

Instabright International Guild of Researchers and Educators, Inc. Tuy Batangas Philippines

Topic: Education and Teaching

Dr. Alvin B. Punongbayan is an educator, businessman, researcher, and author. He is a Master Teacher I at Bilaran National High School, Nasugbu, Batangas wherein he serves as English Teacher, Research Coordinator, and School Paper Coordinator.

He is the Dean of Education at STI College – Balayan, Batangas. He had been a professor at Dr. Francisco L. Calingasan Memorial Colleges Foundation Inc wherein he handled subjects such as Literary Criticism, Linguistics, Creative Writing, Business Psychology, Humanities and other related subjects on education, business, linguistics and literature.

He is an author of English Books for Junior High School, Senior High School and College students.

He is a graduate of Doctor of Philosophy in Education major in Educational Management at the Our Lady of Fatima University. He is a graduate of Master of Arts in Education major in Administration and Supervision- Cum Laude; and Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English- with highest distinction. He also graduated Post-Doctorate Degree on Strategic Management and Leadership at the Philippine Christian University – Manila, last August 24, 2023.

Dr. Punongbayan also earned Human Resource Management & Organization at the International Business Management Institute, and Diploma in English Language and Literature at Alison.

In addition, he is an International Research Presenter on International Conferences like in Burapha University International Conference held in Chonburi, Thailand, he also presented in Asia-Pacific Consortium of Researchers and Educators International Convention and Conference, and more similar conferences both in local and international arena. He has published his researches in various indexed international journals like in International Journal of Current Research. He is also the owner/director of Instabright Publication, and the chairman and founder of the Instabright International Guild of Researchers and Educators, Inc. He is the organizer of Instabright International Research Conferences and Presentation being participated by teachers from Department of Education and even by various colleges and universities.

Dr. Punongbayan is a thesis/research consultant, research panelist, statistician and thesis grammarian of different universities in Manila, Cavite and Batangas. He has been a lecturer in Licensure Examination for Teachers. Added to these things, he had been a Resource Speaker in various local and international seminars. Moreover, he was awarded as Noble Asian Educator and Noble Asian Educational Leader by the International Society of Teachers, Administrators and Researchers, Thailand. He also won other awards such as Best Writer, Innovative Teacher and Outstanding Researcher of the Year, and even Outstanding Teacher of the Year at the International School Awards, Dubai.

He was awarded as Iconic English Teacher of the Year at the World Education Icon Awards, 2021. Recently, he was chosen as the Most Outstanding and Remarkable Individual in Educational Institution of the Year on the Asia’s Pinnacle Awards. He also received the award as Asia’s Most Influential Educator, Researcher and Excellence in Leadership Award at the 6th Asia-Pacific Luminare Awards.


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